Awhile back, KB of "Romping and Rolling in the Rockies" posted this picture of the sign at the top of the hill near where we live. As I mentioned in my last post I have been working lots of hours on a jobsite (construction) that is 1 hour and 45 minutes away. So, the time that I usually have to myself is spent travelling to and from work. This is the time I would normally use to ride my bike,train for racing, or just to enjoy what is around me. Not so this year. To add to that most of my weekends are spent at work, so things around the house aren't getting done.....you can see where this is going. Altho I'm very grateful to have work in this economy...especially in construction, I just wish there was time for work and life. So when KB posted the picture, I started to realize how much that sign means to me. Yes, its a road sign, a warning if you will, but it could also say .......Pavement Ends, Real Life Begins.....