Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

Well, there was a month that FLEW by1
I had all intentions of blogging my head off this month, but it seems my "gainful unemployment" has taken legs. I'm really busy....I'm looking for work, accomplishing work, working on my home, working with my dog, dog-sitting a friends' dog, going to holiday parties.....I love holiday parties, by the way.....and, frankly, its been so long since I've worked with my tools, I'm exhausted every night.
Its a nice exhaustion though, I have been "running work" (construction term) for lots of years, I used my tools (carpentry) to get away from it all, stress relief etc. now I'm using my tools like I did 30 years ago.....hmmm, where's the stress? I kid myself into thinking I can keep up with these younger guys working with me....they play along. On really cold mornings I long for my heated construction trailer, the funny thing is, I really don't miss it. I have the good fortune of working with guys that just get stuff done, we are starting to realize where our strengths lie, and enjoying each others' company, I feel so fortunate.
So, the real reason for this picture-less blog is to wish all of you out there a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The old year seems like a good one to get away from, although I learned an awful lot and experienced many things I could not have imagined last January. 2010 has a nice ring to it, so lets "ring" it in.
I will try to get some pictures out soon, but for now, use your imaginations......

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Adding On

This isn't the typical season for adding onto a home. But this year has been anything but typical.
So, I'm at home waiting for a project to get started in town, time on my hands....gainful unemployment.

We need a mud room/sunroom.....a place where muddy-footed individuals (the dogs and I, I'm told) can shake off a little of the dirt we have been transporting to the interior of the house.

The project actually started BEFORE the temps decided to hover around zero.The cold makes the tools reluctant to start and the builder even more so. Its pretty bad when I'm out there and the dogs are watching me from inside......."Daaad, you're craaazy..."
But theres something about being out there, yes, its cold, but that's what I have all this gear for.
Its quiet, at least until the compressor starts or the saw whines its way through lumber, and theres progress. OK, slow progress. The glass guy can't make it up the hill, its too cold for tile work, snow keeps getting nose won't stop running.

But pretty soon we'll have a new room, with lots of windows a nice tile floor and a window seat that doubles as a storage bin for all the gear I mentioned before. It seems when you have size "mongo" feet and lots of boots, interior real estate becomes a battle ground.....especially if they're muddy!