Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

Well, there was a month that FLEW by1
I had all intentions of blogging my head off this month, but it seems my "gainful unemployment" has taken legs. I'm really busy....I'm looking for work, accomplishing work, working on my home, working with my dog, dog-sitting a friends' dog, going to holiday parties.....I love holiday parties, by the way.....and, frankly, its been so long since I've worked with my tools, I'm exhausted every night.
Its a nice exhaustion though, I have been "running work" (construction term) for lots of years, I used my tools (carpentry) to get away from it all, stress relief etc. now I'm using my tools like I did 30 years ago.....hmmm, where's the stress? I kid myself into thinking I can keep up with these younger guys working with me....they play along. On really cold mornings I long for my heated construction trailer, the funny thing is, I really don't miss it. I have the good fortune of working with guys that just get stuff done, we are starting to realize where our strengths lie, and enjoying each others' company, I feel so fortunate.
So, the real reason for this picture-less blog is to wish all of you out there a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The old year seems like a good one to get away from, although I learned an awful lot and experienced many things I could not have imagined last January. 2010 has a nice ring to it, so lets "ring" it in.
I will try to get some pictures out soon, but for now, use your imaginations......


  1. I'm glad that you're having such blast adding onto your house! I'd love to see a photo like the one in your last post so I can see what you've done.

    Yes, let's look forward to 2010 with a hope for a healthy and happy year. Maybe I'll see you out on the bike... but probably only as you motor past me! I get the impression that you've recovered from the "awful" of 2009 really well. Although it was scary, it's probably much better that you got things fixed so that you can go forward throwing all your heart into life!

    I just got a recumbent stationary bike to ride during my recovery so at least I'll be slightly in shape for the spring.

    Thanks for your insightful and upbeat comments on my blog. After your last comment, I spent a long time trying to figure out what a "hoto" was, since you said you saw me after the "second hoto". It took about 24 hours to figure out that you dropped the "p" from the front of the word!

    Happy new year!

  2. NPD- i hope you do write more! I enjoy it when you do. It's been a wild and crazy year with huge ups and downs. So here's to a Happy New Year and hope we can see more of you guys in 2010.
