Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

Well, there was a month that FLEW by1
I had all intentions of blogging my head off this month, but it seems my "gainful unemployment" has taken legs. I'm really busy....I'm looking for work, accomplishing work, working on my home, working with my dog, dog-sitting a friends' dog, going to holiday parties.....I love holiday parties, by the way.....and, frankly, its been so long since I've worked with my tools, I'm exhausted every night.
Its a nice exhaustion though, I have been "running work" (construction term) for lots of years, I used my tools (carpentry) to get away from it all, stress relief etc. now I'm using my tools like I did 30 years ago.....hmmm, where's the stress? I kid myself into thinking I can keep up with these younger guys working with me....they play along. On really cold mornings I long for my heated construction trailer, the funny thing is, I really don't miss it. I have the good fortune of working with guys that just get stuff done, we are starting to realize where our strengths lie, and enjoying each others' company, I feel so fortunate.
So, the real reason for this picture-less blog is to wish all of you out there a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The old year seems like a good one to get away from, although I learned an awful lot and experienced many things I could not have imagined last January. 2010 has a nice ring to it, so lets "ring" it in.
I will try to get some pictures out soon, but for now, use your imaginations......

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Adding On

This isn't the typical season for adding onto a home. But this year has been anything but typical.
So, I'm at home waiting for a project to get started in town, time on my hands....gainful unemployment.

We need a mud room/sunroom.....a place where muddy-footed individuals (the dogs and I, I'm told) can shake off a little of the dirt we have been transporting to the interior of the house.

The project actually started BEFORE the temps decided to hover around zero.The cold makes the tools reluctant to start and the builder even more so. Its pretty bad when I'm out there and the dogs are watching me from inside......."Daaad, you're craaazy..."
But theres something about being out there, yes, its cold, but that's what I have all this gear for.
Its quiet, at least until the compressor starts or the saw whines its way through lumber, and theres progress. OK, slow progress. The glass guy can't make it up the hill, its too cold for tile work, snow keeps getting nose won't stop running.

But pretty soon we'll have a new room, with lots of windows a nice tile floor and a window seat that doubles as a storage bin for all the gear I mentioned before. It seems when you have size "mongo" feet and lots of boots, interior real estate becomes a battle ground.....especially if they're muddy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cold Pony

Not really......Henry (the NinjaPony) has like four inches of fur this year. I love it when his fur starts to grow in, its so soft and luxurious. By the time its all grown in, it goes in several directions, making hin difficult to brush to say the least.
This year, for the really cold nights, NPM has made a new barn stall just for Henry, he acts like he doesn't like to be fussed over, but he really hasn't complained. he is his own animal, has his own likes and dislikes, is fiercely loyal to his friends and has no problem defending the two mares in our herd, even though they're more than twice his size. You see, Henry, (the NinjaPony) has a full sized heart, which is what we noticed right off. He was terribly mistreated by someone so that he wouldn't trust humans. We have had him with us for six years or so and he very slowly and very surely has opened up to us.....not that you would notice, of course, as he is a NinjaPony!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Return Post

Its been over two months since my last blog.....sorry to those that check in occasionally.....I guess I just haven't felt like talkin.
The last post showed a large building completed ( in record time ) that was one of my most successful projects. Within weeks I was laid off. the first time in an over 40 year career. For no good reason. "the Economy" seems to be like a buzzword to me ...meaningless.
So I started to think.....hmmm, I didn't leave on bad terms, so there's no self-esteem issues, I'm kinda liking this time to spend around the place, with the horses and the dogs.
Working on my little Cross Propz project, seeing friends, riding my bike. Its all started to make me think that retooling for this "Economy" may not be a bad thing.....maybe I can do what I WANT to do and be successful at that. I've always done what I know, and what I know I can make money at. I read something the other day ...." you're never as alone as when you are on your computer, or stuck in traffic. I keep forgetting that this is the world we made .....the real world is the one that was here..we didn't make it.
Raced my bike the other day....first race since my heart attack. It was great. All the self-induced pain you can take. Lots of folks cheering, focus, smooth, gettin swoopy. It really felt good. I went out to win the prize for "second to last" (which I thought was funny) but was too that IS funny.
My next post will have the animals ...especially the horses in their winter coats. The ninja pony is a sight....he becomes like a Chia Pet when the temps drop and has this deep luxurious fur.
You'll see.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Work and Play

Work....I've just completed a project in Windsor ,CO. A long drive everyday since last November, some weeks seven days, all days long compounded by the drive time. The building came out well, the owners are happy, the client is happy and the company I work for did well.

As you can see it huge, and although I derive a great deal of satisfaction in managing such a large project, the thing that impresses me most is the work ethic displayed by some of the craftsmen. It reinforces in me the idea that people want to "do good". Of course there are the 10% that could care less, but overall I am honored to work with these fine people. We had some really adverse conditions on this site, lots of rain for instance, the wind seems to live here, and we started with over five feet of frozen substrate.

Next week I am taking off ....a vacation....I don't really take vacations so I'm not exactly sure what one does on one. I can't imagine standing still, so I have tentatively planned daily bike rides, dog and horse play and working on an invention I've come up with. I guess that makes this a "staycation" as I haven't really planned on going anywhere, but checking out more of where I live.

I haven't been blogging much lately ....returning to normal has been different than I expected. Not so much physically, more mentally. As I told a friend the single biggest reaction to having had a heart attack is the knowledge that I am no longer invincible. I really never was, I realize, but now there's proof.

So, from time to time I'll regale you with my thoughts.

Like a couple of weekends ago I went to a wedding near Cleveland. Went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and was totally taken aback at the realization that I knew everybody in there , that music and its culture are a huge part of me and that I still can't play a note on ANY instrument.

The wedding was very different than any I have been to and much more real than I have ever seen. The entire ceremony included everyone there, there was water and fire and music and vows. It was wonderful and a beautiful way to start a new life with each other. The effect spread love and genuine feeling through the entire assembly, this is a fact I realized while thinking of the events after they occurred. Cheers, Katie and John, you really pulled it off!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Heart Attack

Not a subject I ever thought I would talk about, until now.

I had a heart attack, actually a couple of them. I didn't know I was having one, and that's what I want to talk about. During our friend Jeff's visit, we did a little mountain biking. After that day I felt something in the middle of my chest that felt like I had inhaled air too quickly, maybe made my windpipe a little raw. I would wait it out try not to irritate it and I'm sure it will go away. It did while resting. I noticed it on rides after that least a little bit and then a strange pain where I had a tooth removed on the LEFT side of my mouth. I wondered what that was about. Finally the last time I rode my bike , I was on a road, I felt the presence in my chest , the phantom tooth ache started, and both heels of my hands up to the wrist felt uncomfortable. I got the sensation that these things were related. Quit the ride, got home and described the symptoms to Lori (head Mommy at NPR) we decided some sort of a checkup was in order.
I wasn't quite sure what to do the next day, so after work I called dear friend Dr.Jen who insisted I get checked out ( when Dr. Jen insists, I comply). As luck would have it,
I pass the Heart Center of the Rockies on my way home. I stopped in to get a check up. They kept me there.
I described my symptoms to a doctor in the ER, he called in a cardiologist who explained to me his suspicions about my heart. He wanted me to stay over night to do a stress test in the morning....I offered to come back the next day, he countered with"Let's take some tests", we did , blood work and a 12 point EKG, the results came back and I was staying. Both tests indicated that there was something wrong.
The next day, I went in for an angiogram, where they injected dye into my heart and took pictures, they found a blockage, placed a stent and injected more dye. The results were that the blood being blocked was now able to flow. The damage to the heart has not yet been assessed, I'm hoping for none.
The hospital, one of the Poudre Valley Hopitals ,was wonderful. My room was like a high end hotel room, flat screen TV, with internet, and links to my care, a bed that did all kinds of things like inflating and deflating itself. The staff was great, they all listened to me, the nurses were so attentive I though maybe they weren't very turns out they were busy and really good at what they do. Each time they entered my room they knocked, each time they left they asked if there was anything I needed. This is SO different than any other hospital stay, where you're left to feel as if you were imposing on the nurses. The doctor came in every morning to explain the treatment and what to expect, they asked great questions and encouraged me to do the same. As a result I understand that this was and is very serious business.
To give you some backround.....I'm a vegetarian, I try to eat healthy, I take no drugs, no alcohol, I don't smoke, I excercise regularly, and am considered quite fit, I hike and ride bicycles,road , mountain and cross. Sometimes it doesn't make a difference. There are genetic things that I hadn't counted on, there are other markers that, combined make a difference.
The reason I'm telling you all of this isn't because I think you need to know my medical history, but because this could happen, did happen, to a perfectly healthy person. I recommend a stress test....takes about 45 minutes, ten minutes on a treadmill where they record your heart rate ,EKG, pulse and can get an indication of any abnormalities, a few more minutes looking at your heart with a camera., and you're done.
The idea of losing my life to a heart attack is totally chilling. The fact that I had no idea that that was what was happening makes it more chilling....its not like on TV "OH , my heart" and down you go....this sort of just started adding up.
Please get your hearts checked, I'll be resting for the next week or so, I got out of the hospital yesterday, and I'm back home in the mountains. I'm so glad to be here!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Moisture Content

This summer has been highly unusual as to the amounts of moisture we have been getting. I have heard that we have broken some 100 year record....and I believe it.

In the mountains its welcome as the flowers are rocking out as well as othe species of flora and fauna. On flat gorund, where I work in the construction industry it equate to 16 weekends of rain making site work impossible. For instance we have been trying to pave this site since April
The mushroom pictured here measured in excess of 17" we have seen all types in all sorts of strange locations. And the flowers here are found on our property and yes, some were planted, but most have occurred freely.
Our horses have been grazing on our neighbors property where they do every summer. This summer the grass in some areas is five feet high, making the horses look like they are floating as they move from one place to another and making the Ninja Pony totally disppear!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Beautiful Weather

Finally a weekend with no rain.....and what a weekend! The forest and fields were bursting with wildflowers and fresh scents of summer. The rain has provided an unusually lush atmosphere in the Rockies this year , something I haven't seen before. With the wonderful weather came lots of people, there were crowds at West, motorcycles all over the highway, hikers, campers, orienteers.....everyone wanting to get summer started!

So we found some areas a little off the track.

The flowers were in such abundance it was breathtaking. We saw an entire field of Columbines, another of wild iris, large fields of yellow, the next blue, everywhere we turned there was color.

Green being predominant, when usually at this time its rather brown and dry.

We rode our mountain bikes most of Saturday and we did get to some amazing quiet places.

We had taken the dogs out earlier for a long hike

and they enjoyed the lushness as well, especially rolling in the stream on the way back.

There is something totally rejuvenating about this sort of weekend. I felt like a kid, tired but not wanting to waste any moment, lets go here, lets go there. And having a couple of other" kids" along made it all the more fun .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gettin' Back

Its been a tough week for the ol' Ninja Pony Dad.
It started out with an infected root canal.....the work was done last week, felt fine, but then got increasingly more painful by Sunday. Monday morning my face was swollen, and I was experiencing the transition to un-happy camper. Saw the it headed in the right direction....but didn't need the detour.
A day later, my horse Jupiter developed an abscess in his rear hoof. I know almost nothing about an abscessed horse hoof but I do know that when a 2000+lb animal is limping its not good. Due to the diligence of Lori (my honey) and our farrier (Scott Booten) Jupiter is on the mend too. It seems that all the moisture we have had lately has had an unpleasant effect on Jupiter's hoof.

Now back to the blog....with all the distractions and illnesses I haven't really felt like writing, or commenting on other posts.
First of all I want to acknowledge KB and her dog K .... yep, the look in her eyes.... a stunning look if I've ever seen one and it reminded me of a couple of things. The day I adopted was her eyes peering out from the cage she was in that did it. This poor girl was skinny, had bad body language and was not the type of dog I was looking for. She looked at me as I talked to her....and completely rattled me. Beautiful brown eyes.We went to the parking lot ....she went right to MY truck, when I got her home she ran around in circles on the grass for a long time......she was home.
Our next adoption was Johnny...aka Johnny Ballistic....he is a Red Heeler and was acquired by us when Lori went to Every Creature Counts and asked for a "medium sized male dog that likes to play" The two women behind the counter turned toward eack other and both exclaimed "Johnny!!" Johnny was to be Maizie's playmate as our other two dogs were older and not up for the antics of young Maizie. I was working out of town at the time and didn't know we had a new acquisition until I returned and this small red guy latched on to me like we'd known each other all our lives. Another "not what I was looking for dog" and, quite possibly, the best friend I have ever had. he accepted me question. He loves Maizie. When you adopt animals its difficult to figure how they got to be where they did. Johnny has a chip, someone must have cared about him, he is partial to men...(altho Mommy ranks really high) and he runs along my mountain bike on the right side by the derailleur. He looks right thru me and has a look (I'm trying to post, but our service is really slow today) that says "cmon Dad,let's kick some butt"
I think KB hit the nail on the head again as I have begun to see that Johnny's agressiveness is actually masking some sort of fear...he used to run toward autos and still toward strangers. I 'll have to try your techniques to see if thats what's happening here.
Rode my cross bike today.....was supposed to join either friends or teammates down below at 8AM for either cyclocross practice or a 95 mile road ride. I woke up early, fed the horses all the while feeling like I was in some sort of painful trance (stiff, achey) went back to bed.
So, I rode this afternoon instead. I rode as the clouds were gathering and thunder provided the backround music. No lightning, maybe the storm is going that is a cross bike after all. Hmmmmm, it didn't tke long to make this little adventure look like it was taking place on a rainy fall day in Belgium. The cars on the dirt roads were giving me plenty of room "look out dear there's a crazed cyclist ahead" as mud spray splattered all over.....smiling was completely out-of-the-question as one pretty much eats what he grins at on a day like this! I had a blast! And I didn't realize how muddy, wet and cold I was until I got in the shower...hands tingling from the hot water.

I read this the other day and I'd like to share it...

Thinking is more interesting than knowing,
but less interesting than looking.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Crew

I think its time to share with you the animals in my life, the ones we share our home with.

This is Johnny....or Johnny Ballistic....he's a Red Heeler, totally devoted to me and has the highest energy level of any animal I've ever known. He is in charge of security and chipmunk control at our place.

Next is Maizie, she is Johnny's Big Sister, Whompzilla comes to mind when I see them play.

Maizie is the most affectionate animal I've ever known, she snuggles like nobody's business, likes to cuddle up at the least provocation, and is Johnny's best friend. Maizie is in charge of perimeter security, and has a really deep bark.

These are the horses, on the left is Henry the Ninja Pony, a Shetland,next to him is Jupiter a 2000+lb big brother in the form of a Percheron, the black beauty in front is Ava a quarter horse mare, and one of the prettiest horses ever, and with her back facing the camera is Molly a Morgan mare,that is like the son I never had. She is curious about any kind of tool and frequently inspects the work I do around here. I'll post individual pics here soon.

And last, but certainly not least, is Ari, Ari is Mommy's Little Girl and has been the long-time companion of my mate. Ari is a mix of some sort we're not really sure what. She is like a brindle bullet as she is fast, energetic, totally devoted to Mommy and is the big sister of all the animals here. Absolutely nothing gets her down.....especially if there is a ball in the vicinity. She's a wonderful little girl and a great travel companion.

So, that's who we share our lives with ....all of these animals are rescues, some locally and some from pretty far away. The common thread in all these personalities is that they love us at least as much as we love them. Each has his or her distinct personality and all are a joy to spend time with.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Monkey

Today is a sad day. Yes, its even raining outside.

Our friends smrp amd Meriwether have just lost a precious member of their herd, The Monkey. She was Meriwethers' little girl, a joy to be around, hike and play with, and part of a great bunch of dogs, horses and people. She will be sorely missed.

Having lost one of our key herd members recently, I find it humbling to realize how much these animals give us on a daily basis. The subtle humor, little noises, and playful antics when gone create a huge blank in the household landscape.

My heart goes out to our friends.

Godspeed, Monkey.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Triathlon

Yesterday, I volunteered as a marshal at the Longmont Triathlon. I was the gate keeper of sorts, directing competitors from the transition area on their bikes out to the bike course and safely back in. I don't compete in triathlons, but I've found that volunteering for this one makes me marvel once again, at human spirit.

When I think of triathete I think of a muscular, taut sort of being with a sort of competitive hunger in the eye, and although there were some of these types there, they certainly weren't the majority. No, the majority was more like the guy down the block, the woman that works at that office, in short, regular people. Like a neighborhood triathlon.....with all the neighbors. I guess what keeps me coming back is the sense of accomplishment these folks derive from their efforts. It doesn't really matter if they win, most have no hopes of winning....finishing is a big deal, and when I think of it, training to finish is a big deal.

So, just being around these atheletes makes me feel really good. The optimism alone is enough to keep me going for a long time, the efforts put out by these "normal" people will give them something to be proud of for a long time, and events like this are a terrific way to build on an already strong community. Big sections of people showed up to cheer....and what a racket!. One man had a tee shirt that said "My Wife is Cool" he was followed by three boys who's shirts read "My Mom is Cool". In my mind, to volunteer at an event like this is a privledge. I have a good time interacting with all the competitors as they all have to pass my post, a little encouragement or humor goes a long way.

If you get a chance to check out something like this near where you are, do. Cheer your head off, even if the person you're cheering for doesn't know you, you can bet they appreciate it!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pavement Ends

Awhile back, KB of "Romping and Rolling in the Rockies" posted this picture of the sign at the top of the hill near where we live. As I mentioned in my last post I have been working lots of hours on a jobsite (construction) that is 1 hour and 45 minutes away. So, the time that I usually have to myself is spent travelling to and from work. This is the time I would normally use to ride my bike,train for racing, or just to enjoy what is around me. Not so this year. To add to that most of my weekends are spent at work, so things around the house aren't getting can see where this is going. Altho I'm very grateful to have work in this economy...especially in construction, I just wish there was time for work and life. So when KB posted the picture, I started to realize how much that sign means to me. Yes, its a road sign, a warning if you will, but it could also say .......Pavement Ends, Real Life Begins.....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekend Off

The title seems a little mundane, unless you've been working weekends for a long time. As imagined its a rather rainy weekend, always hopeful for sunny, pleasant weather, I'll take this as it comes. Spring in the Rocky Mountains is the time when we see if we have enough moisture to not have to worry about fire for the summer months.

I live in these mountains with my wife ( a wonderful woman I've known for some years that decided to marry me recently), three horses and a Shetland pony that we rescued and three dogs that we rescued as well. We live on five acres and feel blessed to have a life in such a beautiful place. Yes, the Shetland pony is the reason for the name of this post, his real name is Henry, but he is truly a Ninja Pony. He's all black except a half moon on his forehead and one white sock, he is well behaved, very athletic, and has taken years to trust us. he was terribly abused by someone and he does not stand for any sort of threat or harassment. His hooves always find their mark if he feels the need to use them.

The work I do is in the construction industry and although the economy is off, my job is flying along weekends and all. For fun, I ride bicycles and when I'm able to train I like to race. My past has mountain biking in it (which I still enjoy)but my racing these days consists of road races, Time Trials, and cyclocross. Many of my friends do the same.

The rain over the last few days has brought out all kinds of little plants that we only see for a short time ...and in dry years maybe not at all. It seems really lush right now for a normally dry place.
This is essentially my first time out blogging, I hope to share experiences and perhaps, musings.