Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Return Post

Its been over two months since my last blog.....sorry to those that check in occasionally.....I guess I just haven't felt like talkin.
The last post showed a large building completed ( in record time ) that was one of my most successful projects. Within weeks I was laid off. the first time in an over 40 year career. For no good reason. "the Economy" seems to be like a buzzword to me ...meaningless.
So I started to think.....hmmm, I didn't leave on bad terms, so there's no self-esteem issues, I'm kinda liking this time to spend around the place, with the horses and the dogs.
Working on my little Cross Propz project, seeing friends, riding my bike. Its all started to make me think that retooling for this "Economy" may not be a bad thing.....maybe I can do what I WANT to do and be successful at that. I've always done what I know, and what I know I can make money at. I read something the other day ...." you're never as alone as when you are on your computer, or stuck in traffic. I keep forgetting that this is the world we made .....the real world is the one that was here..we didn't make it.
Raced my bike the other day....first race since my heart attack. It was great. All the self-induced pain you can take. Lots of folks cheering, focus, smooth, gettin swoopy. It really felt good. I went out to win the prize for "second to last" (which I thought was funny) but was too that IS funny.
My next post will have the animals ...especially the horses in their winter coats. The ninja pony is a sight....he becomes like a Chia Pet when the temps drop and has this deep luxurious fur.
You'll see.


1 comment:

  1. Great to read from you again! Keep it up man!
    I like the way you think. To be able to do what one wants and be successful? = Doable. But to get paid for it also? = Priceless. It can be done but few find the way!
    I gotta see punk rock Ninja Pony pics!
