Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Adding On

This isn't the typical season for adding onto a home. But this year has been anything but typical.
So, I'm at home waiting for a project to get started in town, time on my hands....gainful unemployment.

We need a mud room/sunroom.....a place where muddy-footed individuals (the dogs and I, I'm told) can shake off a little of the dirt we have been transporting to the interior of the house.

The project actually started BEFORE the temps decided to hover around zero.The cold makes the tools reluctant to start and the builder even more so. Its pretty bad when I'm out there and the dogs are watching me from inside......."Daaad, you're craaazy..."
But theres something about being out there, yes, its cold, but that's what I have all this gear for.
Its quiet, at least until the compressor starts or the saw whines its way through lumber, and theres progress. OK, slow progress. The glass guy can't make it up the hill, its too cold for tile work, snow keeps getting everywhere....my nose won't stop running.

But pretty soon we'll have a new room, with lots of windows a nice tile floor and a window seat that doubles as a storage bin for all the gear I mentioned before. It seems when you have size "mongo" feet and lots of boots, interior real estate becomes a battle ground.....especially if they're muddy!


  1. Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine working outside in this cold. I can imagine exercising out there but doing anything less than extremely strenuous would freeze me to a solid block of ice.

    You are tough as hell!!!

    But, it looks like the room will be very very nice.

  2. I guess you could interchange "tough" with "dumb"!
    There were a couple of points where it felt like digits were missing.....you could see them, but not feel them! We were actually pretty productive, I have some good guys helping me, guys I used to work with that are also laid off. Its funny, the dogs would ask to come out, run around for a few seconds and ask to come right back in....it made us laugh.
    I've been thinking of you a lot these days and wondering how you're doing with all the stuff going on in your life. When you feel like you are most alone, remember all of us out here pulling for you.

  3. Wow! That looks AWESOME!!!! It's been WAY too long since I've come by Juppie Acres to see what you all have been up to! Perhaps an after-Christmas visit is in order? :)
    Kisses to everyone!

  4. Yes!!! Yes!! Yes!! Please do ...we can have an "open house" especially if the fancy door isn't here yet....real open!
    I was so happy to see the Snapdragon being free! She really looks grown up, you've been up to some kind of wonderful I can tell!


  5. Hi there NPD
    We just had to pop over to find out a little more about the amazing person who wrote such an apt comment on KB's blog. Thank you so much for putting into words what so many of her friends feel.
    You obviously speak from a privileged point of wisdom and we are so pleased to see that you survived your heart-attack ordeal. It's people like you who make the world a better place and give others strength from their experiences.
    Take care and warm wishes for the Christmas season.

  6. Wow! Hi Max.
    Thanks for your kind words. KB is my neighbor altho we have only met a couple of times in the forest. I know her as you do through her wonderful blog. I read and learn about my own enviornment from her teaching and feel compelled to respond when there is something I can add. These health problems are things I have been through with my own back/body. It's so difficult for strong intelligent folks yo trust another with your physical happiness, real or percieved. She is an amazing woman who's strength seems to show through her writing, even if she doesn't see it.
    Thank you so much for writing, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and know that you have a friend in the Rocky Mountains.
